School Advisory Council
Welcome to the School Advisory Council (SAC) of Reddick Collier Elementary School
Become a SAC member! Get involved! Being a School Advisory Council member is a good way to be an important part of your child's education.
For more information, you may also contact the School Improvement Office at 671-7146 or access the following website --
SAC Meetings
- Please see the calendar on our homepage for upcoming SAC meetings. These meetings are also advertised in our Skylert calls, monthly newsletters, and on social media.
All are welcome to join us for the meeting. However, only SAC members may vote.
Contacting SAC
Are you looking for an opportunity to be more engaged with your school? Feel free to contact your School Advisory Council (SAC) with any comments, suggestions, or concerns. We value our partnership.
Email the Reddick-Collier Elementary School Advisory Council
SAC Documents
Archived Agenda/Meeting Minutes
Current SAC Agendas & Minutes 2022-2023
RCE School Advisory Council